I am broke so on the way to work I wrote a
hot perfectly fund covered check, to get food for lunch/dinner today. And I went to the place I knew I would never over spend. A drug store. Ah hahahaha. I always get more then I go in there for. I am a drug store junkie. I should have bought something to help w/ these headaches I am having. Whine. Pout. Sob. Sad face.
Anyway, snacks.
#1 - Goldfish crackers Xtreme Cheddar

I never buy these. I don't think I like cheese flavored crackers. Cheese Its, Nips, goldfish. But if you eat them around me, I will eventually ask for a couple and I always like them. I don't know why I pretend like I don't. Weird. So as usual they are just as expected. Salty "cheese" crackers. Goldfish are so convenient. Especially for my type of work. Since I work on the phone
sex line I cant eat things that take a long time to chew. Its very rude to chew and/or crunch in someones ear. Since these were of the FLAVOR BLASTED persuasion these smiley goldfish were like the best chip over and over. Lots of powdered seasoning. Yum.
#2 - Flipz Milk Chocolate

After the salty, I needed something sweet. And chocolately. I kept walking down the snack aisle and saw cookies, jerkey, nuts, pretzels...oooo Flipz. I tried this once when they first came out and really liked them. Then I started making my own for awhile. I remember my grandparents thinking I was crazy for combining sweet and salty. Like I was the person who invented that. I do remember one specific
argument conversation with my gpa regarding chocolate covered pretzels. He was insistent that I was a moron for mixing sweet and salty. I tried to explain that this was a common occurrence. That it was really quite good. He would hear nothing of it, and walked off in disgust. Anywho, sweet and salty is really good, but these aren't that salty. Its more like salt less pretzel. Its still good tho. Good amount of chocolate to pretzel. They also make a, or used to make a gram cracker one. Those were really good. I cant find those any more tho. Bummer.
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