The belly rules the mind. ~Spanish Proverb

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Budding Lunch Meat

I love "skinny" meat - as my MIL calls it. Growing up we could only use 1/2 the pack and the slices are so thin. Nowadays I used the whole pack, Mrs Bairds white bread, Kraft mayo and a slice of Colby jack cheese. Yum. They have a variety of "flavors" like beef and ham. I only really eat the chicken, I think the ham and turkey flavors taste real fake to me. I also like to use this for snacks for the pets, or just a snack for me w/ some cream cheese. With the price of one package being around $0.59 or anyone can afford to snack on these salty meats.

1 comment:

  1. FINALLY!! I used to LOVE Buddig. Haven't had it in a while. It just takes so much to make a sandwich you pretty much have to use the whole package to be satisfied like you said. True story.
