Monday, June 6, 2011

Hungry Man

Beer Battered Chicken Strips and Cheese Fries

Yum. This has to be the most fattening highest calorie count tv dinner of all times, bc it is just so darn good. The chicken strips are tasty. If you heat it up in the oven they are kinda crispy, in the microwave the chicken is more soggy. The chicken is the form pressed chicken parts but still so good. The fries are seasoned wedges and sometimes they dont cook all the way thru. And the cheese is good too. Really its just a fattening salty tv dinner. Not much more to say.


  1. When it comes to Hungry Man, you ALWAYS want to bake it in the oven. I swear by the Hungry Man Classic Fried Chicken (bone-in) and while you can microwave it in a pinch, waiting out the 35 minutes whilst baking is worth it. The crust is crispy and the chicken is very moist. Plus, you get that brownie as dessert in the end. A true delish ready-made meal.

  2. I live in Canada. South western ontario, and I haven't seen one of these in over a year... anyone know where to get one? D: I need mah cheese fries and chicken fix >_>
